Why Dividend Growth Stocks Are Evil

I can't carry on anymore. The secret has become too much of a burden and it must be shared with the masses. This will shock some and enrage others, but it must be said, and I should be the one to say it. Dividend stocks are evil and they will eventually lead to the collapse of western civilization as we know it. There, I said it and here is why I believe it...

Dividend Stocks Empowers People

By starting early in life and building a portfolio of dividend growth stocks, people are empowering themselves and taking charge of their future. At first blush, this may not sound like a bad thing but consider the consequences. Lord Acton saw the problem more than a century ago when he stated “All power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Power is meant for the government, not people. The government has a much more experience with corruption than individuals.

Dividend Stocks Weakens The Need For Government

Power is like mass, it can not be created or destroyed. Any gains in power in one area must be offset by a loss in another. When people make wise financial decisions and are empowered with a secure and independent future, this power must come from somewhere, and in this case it is to the detriment of our beloved government. The foundation of our modern government is a needy society beholden to its benevolent hand. If the masses aren't relying on the government to sustain their meager existence in retirement, how can we continue to justify our current behemoth governmental infrastructure and expenditures. And even worse, a shift of power to the people could go to their heads and eventually lead to them demanding accountability from their elected officials. This is sacrilege!

Dividend Stocks Will Destroy The World Economy

If individuals start making wise financial decisions and investing in dividend stocks instead of buying "stuff" produced around the world. The world economy could collapse. Imagine what would happen if we stopped buying plastic stuff made in China - their government would not be able to fund all their military endeavors. This would leave them open to another student up rising in Tiananmen Square, and this time the government may not be able to silence the people.

5 Dividend Stocks To Bring Down Financial System

The financial system does not like radical change. Responsible behavior and fewer imports could lead to lead to smaller government and less debt. Less debt would keep interest rates low as buyers bid up the price of the remaining debt. Perpetually low interest rates would stimulate the economy and cause stress on the financial institutions as they tried in vain to keep up with a robust economy.

You've been warned. You will set in motion a cataclysmic chain of events if act responsibly and buy good dividend growth stocks such as these:

Colgate-Palmolive Company (CL) is a major consumer products company that markets oral, personal and household care and pet nutrition products in more than 200 countries and territories. The company has paid a cash dividend to shareholders every year since 1895 and has increased its dividend payments for 54 consecutive years. Yield: 2.6%

3M Co. (MMM) provides enhanced product functionality in electronics, health care, industrial, consumer, office, telecommunications, safety & security and other markets via coatings, sealants, adhesives, and other chemical additives. The company has paid a cash dividend to shareholders every year since 1916 and has increased its dividend payments for 60 consecutive years. Yield: 2.6%

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) is a leader in the pharmaceutical, medical device and consumer products industries. The company has paid a cash dividend to shareholders every year since 1944 and has increased its dividend payments for 56 consecutive years. Yield: 2.6%

PepsiCo, Inc. (PEP) is a major international producer of branded beverage and snack food products. The company has paid a cash dividend to shareholders every year since 1952 and has increased its dividend payments for 46 consecutive years. Yield: 3.2%

AT&T Inc. (T) provides telephone and broadband service and holds full ownership of AT&T Mobility. The company has paid a cash dividend to shareholders every year since 1984 and has increased its dividend payments for 35 consecutive years. Yield: 6.0%

Now that the secret is out, what are you going to do? Will you continue to buy these evil stocks and build an independently secure future and allow our government and world economy to fail? As for me, I plan on spending the next couple of days digging my tongue out of my cheek and preparing for more football this weekend!

Full Disclosure: Long CL, MMM, JNJ, PEP, T.

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