The September 2018 edition of the Dividend Growth Investor newsletter comes out this Sunday, September 23. This will be the third edition of the dividend investment newsletter that I started two months ago.
It will list ten dividend growth stocks I plan to purchase on Monday, September 24.
Each company is analyzed in detail, using the criteria I use. The goal is to evaluate the dividend for safety and evaluate the fundamentals that will allow that dividend to grow over time. The companies listed are attractively valued, and will be bought by my personal portfolio. I use commission-free broker Robinhood, in order to keep investment costs low.
We have 19 companies in our portfolio right now. The new edition that comes out on Sunday will increase the number of portfolio holdings.
The goal is to reach 30 - 40 companies in the portfolio by end of the year. I find most of the companies in the portfolio to be good values today. Long-term readers know that I am a long-term investor who buys stocks and holds them for years. Each investment is made with the intention to hold it for years. Given that I am investing real money in these companies, I am extra careful in what I purchase for long-term dividend income. After two months of operating, we have already had 3 dividend increases so far. I believe we are on the right track to hit the long-term dividend goals.
The newsletter is much more than a list of top ten dividend stocks however. It shows how I make portfolio selections, and how to build a portfolio from scratch and monitor its progress along the way.
This newsletter focuses on a real portfolio. I am showing the process I used to build my own personal dividend portfolio for the past decade. I am using the principles of screening, monitoring, valuation, company analysis to get to a list of companies to buy each month, and to build that portfolio along the way.
While we discuss how to build a dividend portfolio by making regular investments, I believe this newsletter can be helpful to retired investors, not just those in accumulation phase.
You can get a 7 day risk free trial by signing up for the newsletter. I am pricing it at $65/year or $6/month. I believe that for less than 20 cents/day, you can learn from my investing experience, and obtain a list of ten attractively valued dividend stocks for further research. I believe that this price is a good value for investors.
You can subscribe using this Paypal form:
Qualcomm Dividend Increase
On 18 March, Qualcomm (QCOM) increased its dividend by 4.71%, from 85¢ to
89¢ per share.
This dividend increase will be effective for quarterly dividend...
15 hours ago