20 Cheap High Yielding Dividend Contenders

Attached you will find a list of the 20 cheapest Dividend Contenders with the highest yield. Each of the stocks have a forward P/E of less than 15. Many Limited Partnerships are at the top of the list. Which stocks do you like?

TickerCompanyFwd P/EP/SP/BDividend
ETPEnergy Transfer Partners, L.P.12.820.690.7513.24%
BPLBuckeye Partners, L.P.10.861.571.2313.16%
TCPTC PipeLines, LP9.945.292.312.98%
HEPHolly Energy Partners, L.P.14.626.666.419.21%
SEPSpectra Energy Partners, LP11.168.680.948.49%
WESWestern Gas Partners, LP14.813.032.058.34%
ETEEnergy Transfer Equity, L.P.6.990.4-8.23%
TLPTransmontaigne Partners L.P.12.713.371.968.21%
SCGSCANA Corporation12.181.20.986.82%
OMIOwens & Minor, Inc.
PPLPPL Corporation11.312.571.775.95%
MMPMagellan Midstream Partners, L.P.14.285.686.685.90%
AFSIAmTrust Financial Services, Inc.7.420.421.095.39%
SOThe Southern Company14.41.931.825.29%
VZVerizon Communications Inc.10.271.574.534.94%
GISGeneral Mills, Inc.13.991.695.144.40%
OGEOGE Energy Corp.14.962.831.644.21%
QCOMQUALCOMM Incorporated14.773.793.414.13%
EATBrinker International, Inc.10.220.56-4.02%
EIXEdison International13.861.671.763.85%

This is only a small part of the full Dividend Yield Investor Fact Book Package. The full package contains excel sheets of essential financial ratios from all 113 Dividend Champions (over 25 years of constant dividend growth) and 204 Dividend Contenders (10 to 24 years of consecutive dividend growth). It's an open version, so you can work with it very easily.

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