Quarterly Update – Q3 2017

Welcome to the quarterly update for Q3 2017. This is part of  a series where I track our financial progress on a quarterly basis. I present three parts in this series: (i) Investment & Portfolio Update, (ii) Passive Income Update, and (iii) Goals Update.

1. Investment & Portfolio Update

Q3 2017 saw a lot of activity after a very quiet Q2 in our portfolio.
We added to the following positions.
We continued adding to the following funds
  • BMO S&P/TSX Capped Composite Index ETF (ZCN.TO)
  • Vanguard All-World Ex-Canada Index ETF (VXC.TO)
  • BMO Aggregate Bond Index ETF (ZAG.TO)
  • BMO Emerging Bond Index ETF (ZEF.TO)
  • Vanguard Emerging Market Bond ETF (VWOB)
  • US Equity Index (Seg) Fund
  • Intl Equity Index (Seg) Fund
  • Scotia Monthly Income (Mutual) Fund
Q3 saw 2 dividend increase announcements in our portfolios. The companies from our portfolios increasing their dividends and details of portfolio changes are summarized below.

2. Passive Income Update

A great quarter on the passive income front. During the quarter, we managed to earn a passive income of $2,150.41.
You can read previous quarterly updates here.

“Other” Passive Income

Passive income that we achieve is split between investments from dividend paying companies and what I call other sources of passive income, which includes cash back rewards credit card, advertising revenue from this blog, interest on cash and writing premium articles for Seeking Alpha. As you can see from the chart below, our other category has performed well. Our passive income from the ‘other’ sources saw continued traction in Q3 2017, providing us with some great overall passive income – which we proceed to invest into stocks and funds to compound our growth.
I realize that some of our sources of passive income are not completely passive, as it requires us to put some time and effort into it. However, I consider these sources to be semi-passive and I wrote an article to capture my thoughts on the scale of passivity of each income type. Be sure to check out Passivity of Income.

3. Goals Update

Onto the goals that I set and see how we did overall on that front.
  • Earn $10,000 in annual passive income
    • Passive income YTD is $6,376 (achieved 63.7% of goal)
  • Start two portfolios for our daughter – one for post-secondary education via RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan) and the other- a DRIP plan Achieved!
    • I started the two portfolios mentioned and have been making regular contributions to grow these accounts. See the details here.
  • Pay down an extra 25% towards mortgage debt
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That’s all folks! Thanks for reading. Be sure to leave a comment at the bottom – I love to hear from the readers on your thoughts and opinions.
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