Qualcomm manufactures and markets digital wireless telecommunications products and services based on its code division multiple access (CDMA) technology and other wireless communication technologies. QCOM is neither a dividend aristocrat nor a dividend achiever. QCOM has started showing some dividend growth trends in last five years. The latest dividend increase was in January 2010. My objective here is to understand if QCOM has any potential to be a dividend investment and fair value pricing for buy.
Trend Analysis
This section looks at trends for past 10 years of corporation’s revenue and profitability. These parameters should show consistently growth trends. The trend charts is shown in image below.
Risk Parameter Calculation
Here I use the corporation’s financial health to assign a risk number for measuring risk-to-dividends. The risk number for risk-to-dividends is 1.71. This is a medium risk category as per my 3-point risk scale. The reduced EPS and reduced operating margins in 2009 makes it medium risk to dividends.
Quality of Dividends
This section measures the dividend growth rate, duration of growth, consistency over a period of past five years.
Fair Value Calculation
This section determines what price I should pay to buy a given stock
Qualitative Analysis
The strength of QCOM’s business is its ownership of CDMA technology, royalty-based cash flow of more than USD 1 billion dollars, most of the competitors are struggling, and a strong technology-driven roadmap. QCOM is on path to become Google of wireless communication chipset. Contrarily, the concerns I have with QCOM is it operates in a cyclic industry and never ending legal battles.
The stocks current risk-to-dividend number is 1.71 (medium risk category). In addition, the dividend cash flow is 2.5 times the MMA income based on average dividend growth rate of 16%. Moving forward, I expect dividend growth rate to slow down (10% to 12% range). In that case, the price will have to drop down to $25.80 for dividend income to be twice MMA income. This pricing of $25.80 is also very close to my low range of my fair value. I like QCOM’s technologically-driven dominant market position and its medium risk-to-dividends. However, for a potentially good dividend investment, I would wait for its price to get closer to my low end (i.e. $27) of the fair value range.
Full Disclosure: No position at the time of this writing.
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