As a blogger, I originally relied on my RSS Feed to communicate regualily to my readers (if you haven't signed up - please do!). With the on-slot of Twitter getting more and more traction as a way to communicate, I have been using Twitter to alert readers of my updated blog posts through my Twitter handle - #thedividendguy. However, I have been using Twitter more and more to keep track of at is happening in the markets with personal finance in general. To help with this, the Twitter Lists feature has been helping out.
Twitter lists are a just-launched feature that is a new way to organize the people you’re following on Twitter, or find new people. I have used it as a way to get linked up with a number of good personal finance and investment bloggers. If you are new to Twitter, or are looking for some suggestions on who might be worth following, the attached list may be able to help you.
I hope this list helps. Of course, I would be very interested to hear what other suggestions are out there so please use the comments to let us all know. In the meantime, don't forget to subscribe to The Dividend Guy's RSS feed as well as my Twitter feed.
This article was written by The Dividend Guy. You may email questions or comments to me at
Union Pacific Corporation (UNP) Dividend Stock Analysis
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