After many months of learning new software and techniques, it brings me great joy to share with you my latest video: Dividend Investing 101: Dividend Investing
“There’s nothing like the smell of animation in the morning!”- Me
I really enjoyed learning how to make these videos and as you can tell from my first one, I’m getting a little better at them. The written word can be entertaining, but I’ve always enjoyed animation and find it’s such an amazing way of expressing yourself. My plan is to make an entire series of dividend investing 101 videos and post them on Youtube and Vimeo for the whole world to see. Dividend investing may not be “the best” way to invest but it sure beats collecting pitiful amounts of interest from the bank.
I hope you have enjoyed this video and are looking forward to the series that will be posted in the future. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think.
This article was written by The Loonie Bin. If you enjoyed this article, please consider subscribing to his feed.
Mastercard Dividend Increase
On 17 December, Mastercard (MA) increased its quarterly dividend by 15.15%,
from 66¢ to 76¢ per share.
The dividend will be paid on 7 February 2025 to sh...
2 days ago