Analog Devices engages in the design, manufacture, and marketing of analog, mixed-signal, and digital signal processing integrated circuits used in industrial, communication, computer, and consumer applications. Its products are used in communications applications that include wireless handsets and wireless base stations, as well as products used for high-speed access to the Internet, including central office networking equipment.
ADI has been raising dividends for last 6 years. It is a potential Dividend Achiever in making. The most recent dividend increase was in May 2010. I am impressed by ADI’s strong balance sheet and free cash flow. It looks like ADI has withered 2009 declines. My objective here is to see if ADI continues to be potentially a good dividend growth stock and how does it rate on my scale of risk-to-dividends.
Trend Analysis
Here I am looking at trends for past 10 years of corporation’s revenue and profitability. These parameters should show consistently growth trends. The trend charts and data summary are shown in images below.
Risk Parameter Calculation
Here I use the corporation’s financial health to assign a risk number for measuring risk-to-dividends. The risk number for risk-to-dividends is 1.71. This is a medium risk category as per my 3-point risk scale. The increased payout factor and sluggish EPS growth rate (relative to its historical average) makes it a medium risk to dividends.
Quality of Dividends
This section measures the dividend growth rate, duration of growth, consistency over a period of past five years.
Fair Value Calculation
This section determines what price I should pay to buy a given stock
The range of fair value is calculated as $21 to $27.
Qualitative Analysis
Analog Devices, Inc., is about 44 year old technology based company. It is built on the foundation of innovation by its founder Ray Stata who is still associated with the company. It has survived all the ups and downs of technology industry. One aspect that I like is its ability to command 50% or more gross margins on its products.
I like ADI’s diversified revenue stream and geographical presence. Overall, it is a US based company that will provide hedge against dollar fluctuation and proxy for foreign developed/emerging markets. It truly has a very strong balance sheet that includes free cash flow and low debt. I also like the fact that company continues to remain focused on its core competency which gives it higher gross margin products. I will continue to add to my existing position when the price is in my buy range.
Full Disclosure: Long at the time of writing.
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