For some investors using a dividend growth investment approach to select equity investments may represent a new type of stock selection process. It is important for investors to test their investment strategies by constructing phantom stock portfolios before investing real dollars based on these new strategies.
A free website is available, Stocks Quest, where one can test investment strategies. The site is essentially set up like a stock market game. The only requirement for a user is he/she must register with an email address. Once a user is registered, the site provides an investor with $100,000 in fantasy cash. The user can then implement buy and sell transactions and track the performance of their phantom portfolio.
Using a site like Stock Quest site is a good way for an investor to determine how effective their investment strategy performs.
This article was written by Disciplined Approach to Investing. You can visit my site at or subscribe to my content by clicking here.
RLI Dividend Increase
On 13 February, RLI (RLI) increased its dividend by 3.45%, from 14.5¢ to
15¢ per share.
The dividend is payable on 30 March to shareholders of record on ...
1 day ago