Jazz Technologies (JAZ) announced on May 19, 2008 that they are being acquired by Tower Semiconductor (TSEM). The final decision of the deal is expected to announced dependent on the results of the special meeting of shareholders scheduled for September 17, 2008. When I started to look into this merger yesterday, the spread was at 15%. Today, August 13, the spread fluctuates between 6-9%. However, this still comes out to an annualized gain in the range of 40-72%.Basics Of The Merger
Termination Details
The termination conditions for this merger allow both parties to walk away fairly easily without much pain. The usual clauses pertaining to delays, failure to recommend the merger, failure to meet legal requirements etc are in there for good measure but the point that caught my attention is that the "Jazz has agreed to pay Tower a termination fee of $1.2 million and reimburse Tower for up to $1 million in expenses incurred in connection with the transaction..."
With this type of exit path, Jazz probably wouldn't feel any burden or impact if it did decide to cancel the merger. However, the chances of this happening at this stage is very low.
Ever since Jazz went public with an IPO price of $6, their stock price has been falling. Therefore a 120% premium offer at the time of the merger is a definite welcome one which the company and shareholders would gladly accept.
The merger also restricts Jazz from soliciting other transactions which means that it has to be Tower. Take it or leave it.Approvals
The acquiring company, Tower Semiconductors, is an Israeli company and so the approval process is slightly different.
Tower's submission of form F-4 has been declared effective by the SEC, clearing the way for Jazz shareholder approval. Tower does not require approval by its own shareholders.
Additionally, Tower must receive the following approvals in Israel.
As it stands, all important milestones have been achieved in the merger process except the Jazz shareholder approval but this doesn't really worry me because as I stated above, it would be crazy for shareholders to go against the merger.
While insiders also own roughly 20% of common stock, there are two companies that own about 31% and 29%. I can't say for sure that it will be a unanimous vote, but insiders holding 20% is a large amount and one which could positively affect the outcome.Completion Details
Since each share of Jazz is converted to 1.8 shares of Tower, the final closing price depends on Tower's share price. Looking at Tower's price, it isn't doing very well either and is continually falling. There is a high likelihood that it could erode the spread completely.
So far this is how I see the merger. I also outlined a process I learnt and follow here. Risks
The risks I see are as follows:Conclusion
From the information I have gathered, the merger is likely to go through. However, what is important is the price of Tower on the date of closing. If it decline at its current rate, this merger may not be worth it if the entry price is any higher than what it is now.
The merger is very low profile without much information being given out by either party. Jazz made it clear in their latest conference call that they would not answer any detailed questions related to the merger itself.
In terms of probability, I see the merger has a greater probability of closing than failing.Disclaimer
No positions in JAZ at this time but I am considering.
This article was written by Old School Value. You may email questions or comments to me at jjun0366@gmail.com
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